Аль-Маалі Галєб Аднанович
кандидат біологічних наук, науковий співробітник відділу мікології
E-mail: galeb.almaali@gmail.com
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Web of Science
- Al-Maali G.A., Vedenicheva N.P., Bisko N.A., Kosakivska I.V. (2019) Effect of microelements on cytokinins content in mycelial biomass of medicinal mushroom Trametes versicolor (Polyporaceae, Basidiomycota). Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 76(1): 71–78.
- Heluta V.P., Makarenko N.V., Al-Maali G.A. (2019) First records of Erysiphe corylacearum (Erysiphales, Ascomycota) on Corylus avellana in Ukraine. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 76(3): 252–259.
- Medvediev D.G., Kerner A.O., Bondaruk S.V., Al-Maali G.A. (2019) Investigation of cultural features and fungicide resistance of the strains of Cladobotryum mycophilum (Hypocreales, Ascomycota), a causal agent of cobweb disease on button mushroom crops, newly recorded in Ukraine. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 76(2): 121–131.
- Vedenicheva N.P., Al-Maali G.A., Mykhaylova O.B., Lomberg M.L., Bisko N.A.,
Shcherbatiuk M.M., Kosakivska I.V. (2018) Endogenous Cytokinins Dynamics in Mycelial Biomass of Basidiomycetes at Different Stages of Cultivation. Intl J Biochem Physiol, 3(2):000122.
- Vedenicheva N.P., Al-Maali G.A., Bisko N.A., Mykhaylova O.B., Mytropolska N.Y., Kosakivska I.V. (2018) Comparative Analysis of Cytokinins in Mycelial Biomass of Medicinal Mushrooms. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 20(9):837-347.
- Bisko N.A., Al-Maali G.A., Mytropolska N.Y., Lomberg M.L., Mykchaylova O.B. (2018) The rare and biotechnologically important mushroom species in the IBK collection. In: Development of natural sciences in countries of the European Union taking into account the challenges of XXI century. Collective monograph. Poland, Lublin, pp. 21-37.
- Bisko N.A., Sukhomlyn M.M., Mykchaylova O.B., Lomberg M.L., Tsvyd N.V., Petrichuk Yu.V., Al-Maali G.A., Mytropolska N.Yu. (2018) Ex situ conservation of rare and endangered species in the Mushroom Culture Collections of Ukraine. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 75(4): 338–347.
- Vedenicheva N.P., Al-Maali G.A., Bisko N.A., Shcherbatiuk N.N., Kosakovskaya I.V. (2018) Growth features and content of endogenous cytokinins in mycelium biomass of basidial fmushrooms Hericium coralloides and Fomitopsis officeinalis in vitro. Reports of the NationalAcademy of Sciences of Ukraine, 9: 97-104.
- Bisko N.A., Mikhailova O.B., Lomberg M.L., Mitropolskaya N.Yu., Al-Maali G.A. (2018) Preservation of rare medicinal wood-destroying macromycetes in the Mushroom Cultures Collection (IBK). In: Problems of forest phytopathology and mycology: the 10th International Conference. Russian, Petrozavodsk, pp. 22-25. (in Russian)
- Bisko NA, Lomberg ML, Mikhailova OB, Mitropolskaya N.Yu. Al-Maali G.A. (2018) Introduction, verification and conservation of ex situ rare species of mushrooms in the Mushroom Cultures Collection (IBK) In: The Plant World in the Red Book of Ukraine: Implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation: the 5th International Conference. Ukraine. Kherson, pp. 142-146. (in Ukraine)
- Al-Maali G.A. (2017) The influence of different compounds of trace elements on the biomass and synthesis of exopolysaccharides of mycelium Trametes versicolor (Polyporaceae, Polyporales). Biosystems Diversity, 25(4), 289–296. (in Ukraine)
- Bisko N.A., Lomberg M.L., Al-Maali G.A., Mitropolskaya N.Y., Mikhailova O.B. (2017) Preservation of rare and endangered macromycetes species in the Hutsulshchyna National Park in the the Mushroom Cultures Collection (IBK). In: Environmental, Historical, Cultural and Eco-Educational Aspects of Balanced Development of the Ukrainian Carpathians: the International Scientific-Practical Conference. Ukraine, Kosiv, pp. 209-214. (in Ukraine)
- Vedenicheva N.P., Al-Maali G.A., Mytropolska N.Y., Mykhaylova O.B., Bisko N.A., Kosakivska I.V. (2016). Endogenous cytokinins in medicinal Basidiomycetes mycelial biomass. Biotechnologia Acta, 9(1): 55-63.
- Al-Maali G.A., Bisko N.A., Ostapchuk A.N. (2016). The effect of zinc citrate and zinc sulfate on the growth and biomass composition of medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum. Mycology and Phytopathology, 50(5): 313-317.
- Al-Maali G.A., Bisko N.A., Ostapchuk A.M. (2016). The effect of citrate and sulfate of different metals on the biomass cList your current and any relevant previous professional experience.omposition of medicinal mushroom Trametes versicolor (L.) Lloyd. Chornomorski Botanical Journal, 12(1): 64-71.
- Vedenicheva N.P., Al-Maali G.A., Bisko N.A., Kosakivska I.V. (2016) Production of phytohormones of cytokinin nature by micellar biomass of basidial mushroom. Plant Physiology and Genetics, 48(6): 508-518. (in Ukraine)
- Al-Maali G.A., Bisko N.A., Ostapchuk A.M. (2016) Influence of sulfate and citrate of copper on the biomass composition of the medicinal mushroom Trametes versicolor (Polyporales, Polyporaceae). Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk University. Series: Biology. Ecology, 24(1): 119-123. (in Ukraine)
- Al-Maali G.A., Bisko N.A., Ostapchuk A.M. (2016) The influence of sulfates and citrates of metals on the carbohydrate composition of the biomass of the medicinal fungus Trametes versicolor (Polyporales, Polyporaceae). Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk University. Series: Biology. Medicine, 7(1): 32-36. (in Ukraine)
- Al-Maali G.A. (2015) The influence of metal citrates obtained by aquananotechnology on growth of the strains of medical macromycetes Ganoderma lucidum 1900 and Trametes versicolor 353. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 72(4): 393-397. (in Ukraine)
