№1 №2 №3 №4 |
Genkal S.I., Kharitonov V.G. Morphological variability of some species of the genus Aulacoseira Thw. (Bacillariophyta) [abs] |
3 |
Boshkov A.I., Menzyanova N.G., Kovalyova M.K. The season peculiarities of the epigenetypes of the copper-sensitive and copper-resistant cultures of Dunaliella viridis Teod. during accumulative cultivation [abs] |
11 |
Los S.I. Influence of urea on spectral properties of phycobilin pigments of algae [abs] |
25 |
Shakhmatova O.A., Milchakova N.A. The Black Sea species Cystoseira C.Ag. catalase activity in different ecological conditions [abs] |
34 |
Vinogradova O.N., Nevo E., Wasser S.P. Algae of the Sefunim Cave (Israel): species diversity affected by light, humidity and rock stresses [abs] |
47 |
Shkundina F.B., Turianova R.R. Phytoplankton of the water bodies of the city of Ufa (Bashkortostan, Russia) [abs] |
66 |
Vasiljeva-Kralina I.I., Gabyshev V.A. Taxonomic structure of algae from inundated floodplain lakes of middle Lena area (Yakutia, Russia) [abs] |
77 |
Palamar-Mordvintseva G.M., Shindanovina I.P., Tsarenko-Belous E.P. Species and taxonomic diversity of Desmidiales of Shatsk National Nature Park (Ukrainian Polissya) [abs] |
83 |
Kulikovskiy M.S. Species of the genus Navicula Bory s.str. (Bacillariophyta) from sphagnum bogs of Privolzhskaya Hills and the Polistovo-Lovatsky Tract (Russia) [abs] |
92 |
Gabyshev V.A. Phytoplankton of water bodies of the middle Lena River in the area of the projected oil-pipe line (Yakutia, Russia) [abs] |
103 |
№2 (2009) |
Palamar-Mordvintseva G.M., Tsarenko P.M. The place and importance of Charales in system of organic world [abs] |
117 |
Silkin V.A., Pautova L.A., Mikaelyan A.S. Phosphorus limited bloom of Emiliania huxleyi (Lohm.) Hay et Mohl. in the northeastern Black Sea [abs] |
135 |
Trofimova V.V., Makarevich P.R. Daily dynamics of chlorophyll a in the estuarine pelagic phytocenosis of the Kola inlet (Barents Sea) [abs] |
145 |
Vinogradova O.N., Mikhailyuk T.I. Algal flora of caves and grottoes in the National Nature Park, "Podilsky Tovtry" (Ukraine) [abs] |
155 |
Lilitskaya G.G. Zygnematales (Streptophyta) of water bodies of Kiev and Kiev environs [abs] |
172 |
Gerasymova O.V. Cyanoprokaryota of the water bodies of Dniprovsko-Orilsky Natural reserve (Ukraine) [abs] |
186 |
Borisova E.V., Orlov A.A. Research of Charales ofZytomir Polissia (Ukraine) [abs] |
197 |
Gerasimiuk V.P., Gerasimiuk N.V. Comparison of species diversity of algae of the lower Danube lakes (Ukraine) [abs] |
206 |
Kovalenko O.V., Kislova O.A. New and rare for Ukraine species Cyanophyta (Cyanoprokaryota) [abs] |
216 |
Vis M.L., Kapustin D.A. Batrachospermum keratophytum Bory emend. R.G. Sheath, M.L. Vis et K.M. Cole, a new freshwater red algal species for Ukraine [abs] |
226 |
Tsarenko P.M., Wasser S.P., Kondratyeva N.V. Algologycal Department of N.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany NAS of Ukraine – 75 years [abs] |
230 |
Shnuykova E.I. Elena Grigoriyevna Sudyina (To the 80th anniversary of her birthday) |
240 |
№3 (2009) |
Genkal S.I., Kuzmina A.E., Popovskaya G.I. To morphology and taxonomy of Stephanodiscus inconspicuus (Bacillariophyta) [abs] |
247 |
Begun A.A., Ryabushko L.I., Zvyagintsev A.Yu. The composition and quantitative сharacteristics of microalgae periphyton aqatoriums of Peter the Great Bay (Japan Sea, Russia) [abs] |
257 |
Komulaynen S.F., Genkal S.I. Materials to the flora of Bacillariophyta in River Pasvik (Patsoiki, Murman region, Russia). 1. Centrophyceae [abs] |
273 |
Shelyuk Yu.S., Korneychuk N.N. Taxonomic diversity of algal communities in the Teterev River (Ukraine) [abs] |
284 |
Zarei-Darki B. Algoflora of Iran rivers [abs] |
294 |
Kulikovskiy M.S. New triradiate diatom species from the genus Tabellaria Ehr. (Bacillariophyta) [abs] |
304 |
Dogadina T.V., Gromakova A.B., Gorbulin O.S. New find of Rhodophyta from Severskiy Donec River (Ukraine) [abs] |
313 |
Gabyshev V.A. Isampling device for concentration of phytoplankton under pressure [abs] |
318 |
Bukhtiyarova L.N. Frustule functions and functional morphology of Bacillariophyta [abs] |
321 |
Мikhailyukк Т.I. et al. In memory of Nadezhda Prohorovna Masyuk |
332 |
№4 (2009) |
Lisovskaya О.А., Stepanyan О.V. Diversity of summer macrophytobenthos of Taman peninsula coast (Russia) [abs] |
341 |
Gerasymova O.V., Lilitskaya G.G., Tsarenko P.M. Species diversity of algae of water bodies of "Medobory" Nature Reserve (Ukraine) [abs] |
349 |
Klochenko P.D., Ivanova I.Yu. Pecularities of the species diversity of phytoplankton of the Dnieper River tributaries [abs] |
362 |
Zhezhera M.D. Green algae of some waterbodies of Left-Bank Polissya (Ukraine) [abs] |
380 |
Genkal S.I., Babanazarova O.V., Haffner G.D. New data on the flora of diatom algae (Centrophyceae) in Lake Erie (Canada, USA) [abs] |
390 |
Massjuk N.P., Yarmoshenko L.P. New find in Ukraine species Volvox polychlamys Korsch. (Volvocales, Chlorophyta, Viridiplantae) [abs] |
313 |
Nikitina O.A., Shkundina F.B. The isolation of autotrophic benthos indicator species of sterlitamak city watercourse (Russia) [abs] |
412 |
Davidovich N.A. Tendencies in development of reproductive biology of Bacillariophyta [abs] |
423 |
Sadogursky S.Ye., Yena A.V., Belich T.V., Sadogurskaya S.A. On the nomenclature of Ceramium rubrum (Rhodophyta) [abs] |
437 |