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Department of Systematics and Floristics of Vascular Plants Head of Department: S.L. Mosyakin, Prof., Dr. Biol. Sci., Correspondent member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine e-mail: The main directions of research are taxonomy and nomenclature of vascular plants of Ukraine and some plant groups of the global flora, floristic and phytogeographical studies (in particular, historical phytogeography of Chenopodiaceae, Caryophyllaceae and other families), synanthropic floristics, studies of alien (especially invasive) plants and urban floras, morphological and anatomical research of model plant groups (Ranunculaceae, Brassicaceae, etc.), paleopalynological analysis of the Pleistocene and Holocene, and inventory of plant resources (especially medicinal plants).
Department of Phycology, Lichenology and Bryology Head of Department: P.M. Tsarenko, Dr. Biol. Sci. e-mail: algae@botany.kiev.ua The main research directions are chorological and taxonomic studies of the species diversity of algae in Ukraine and other countries and regions; morphological and taxonomic treatments of taxa valuable from practical viewpoints; morphological and populational studies of algae and their variability; radioecological studies of algae and fungi.
Laboratory of Lichenology and Bryology Head: S.Ya. Kondratyuk, Dr. Biol. Sci. e-mail: ksya_net@ukr.net, lichenology@botany.kiev.ua The main research directions are studies of the taxonomic diversity of lichen-forming, lichenicolous and allied fungi, and bryophytes; assessment of the floristic diversity of symbiotic and free-living aerophytic algae and their ecological groups (communities) in some regions, using lichens as indicators of environmental conditions; critical revisions of selected taxa of cryptogamic plants and associated fungi.
Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy Head of Department: E.L. Kordyum, Prof., Dr. Biol. Sci., Corresponding Member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine e-mail: The main research activities include researches in cellular and molecular mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity as a process of plant adaptation to changes of ecological factors under natural conditions; studies of responses of algal cells, vegetative and generative cells, tissues and organs of higher plants to gravitation factors in space flight experiments and ground simulation.
Department of Membranology and Phytochemistry Head of Department: O.K. Zolotaryova, Prof., Dr. Biol. Sci. e-mail: The basic directions of research are energy transformation in membrane systems of photosynthesizing cells of higher plants and algae, biochemical peculiarities of some insufficiently studied groups of algae, and their potential biotechnological applications.
Group of Practical Informatics Head of Group: I.M. Anishchenko e-mail: The main research activities of the computer center are studies of biodiversity of Ukraine with using mathematical methods, creation of informational system of different botanical objects, investigation of interspecies changes of fungal diversity of different taxonomic groups, computerization of the Herbarium of the M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (KW).