Denis A. Davydov
Birth date and place: November 16, 1986, Kegychivka urban-type settlement, Kharkiv region, Ukraine.
Education: 2003–2008 – Undergraduate student, Department of Natural History, V.G. Korolenko Poltava State Pedagogical University.
2008–2011 – Graduate student, M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv.
Degrees: 2013 – Ph.D. (Botany), M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, NAS of Ukraine. Thesis title: «Forest vegetation of the Romny-Poltava geobotanical district (Ukraine): syntaxonomy, antropogenic changings and protection».
Employment: 2009–2013 – M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, leading engineer.
2013–2015 – M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, junior research fellow.
2015 – M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, research fellow.
Research interests: floristics, geobotany, plant taxonomy, botanical nomenclature.
Scientific profiles: ResearchGate
Google Scholar
- Davydov D.A., Hordiychuk A.D. Ridkisni vydy flory stepovykh dilianok okolytz mista Poltavy [Rare plant species on key steppe plots in the vicinity of Poltava town] // Advances in Botany and Ecology. Proceedings of International Conference of Young Scientists (Poltava, September 15-20th 2015). – Poltava, 2015. – P. 14. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A. Sosudistye rasteniya Evropeiskoy Rossii i Zapadnoy Sibiri v fondakh gerbariya Poltavskogo natsionalnogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta (Ukraina) [Vascular plants from the European Russia and the Western Siberia in fonds of Poltava national pedagogical university (Ukraine)] // Botanical Collections – Russian National Property. Proceedings of Russian (with International Participation) Scientific Conference (Penza, February 17–19th 2015). – Penza, 2015. – P. 226–227 [in Russian]
- Davydov D.A., Poliovyi Ye.V. New locality of Polypodiumvulgare L. (Polypodiaceae) in Kyiv city (Ukraine) // Scientific Principles of Biodiversity Conservation. Proceedings of Ist (XIIth) International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists (Lviv, May 21–22th 2015). – Lviv, 2015. – P. 33–35.
- Davydov D.A. Urochyshche «Krasnoperivka» – tsinnyi pryrodnyi masyv na mezhi lisostepovoyi ta stepovoyi zon na Livoberezhzhi Ukrainy [«Krasnoperivka» – valuable natural area on the border between forest-steppe and steppe zones in the Left-Bank of Dnipro Area] // Natural and Antopic Transformated Ecosystems of Border Territories in the Postchornobyl Period. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference «Natural and Atropic Transformated Ecosystems of Border Territories in the Postchornobyl Period» and International Scientific-Practical Student Conference «Structural-Functional Organization of Natural and Antopic Transformated Ecosystems of Border Territories» (Chernihiv, October 9–11th 2014). – Chernihiv, 2014. – P. 18–20. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A., Daciuk V.V., Vynokurov D.S. New localities of rare plant species in Volyn region (Ukraine) // Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Ser. Biology. – 2014. – Vol. 20, № 1100. – P. 258–264.
- Davydov D.A. Syntaxonomic citations – next step for the developing of phytosociological nomenclature // Advances in Botany and Ecology. Proceedings of International Conference of Young Scientists. – Uman, 2014. – P. 73.
- Davydov D.A. Nomenklaturni problemy shcho stosuiutsia deiakykh vydiv roslyn zanesenykh do Chervonoi knygy Ukrainy [Nomenclatural problems concerning several plant species listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine] // The Plant Kingdom in the Red Data Book of Ukraine: Implementing the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. Proceedings of IIIrd International Scientific Conference (Lviv, June 4–7th 2014). – Lviv, 2014. – P. 27–28. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A. O rasprostranenii Asparagus pallasii Miscz. v Krymu [About distribution of Asparagus pallasii Miscz. in the Crimea] // Problems and Perspectives of the Plant World Investigations. Proceedings of International Scientific-Practical Conference of Young Scientists (Yalta, May 13–16th 2014). – Yalta, 2014. – P. 89. [in Russian]
- Davydov D.A. Znakhidky ridkisnykh vydiv u pivdenno-zakhidnij chastyni Kharkivskoyi oblasti [Rare species finds in the southwest part of Kharkiv region] // Phlorology and Phytosozology. – 2014. – № 3–4. – P. 29–32. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A. Otsinka synantropizatsii lisovykh ugrupovan Romensko-Poltavskogo geobotanichnogo okrugu [Synanthropization valuation of forest communities of Romny-Poltava geobotanical district] // Ukrainian Botanical Journal. – 2013. – Vol. 70, № 5. – P. 630–634. [in Ukrainian]
- Econet of the steppe zone of Ukraine: principles of formation, structure, elements / Vakarenko L.P., Vynokurov D.S., Davydov D.A. et al. – Кyiv, 2013. – 409 p. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A. Seseli hippomarathrum Jacq. (Apiaceae), a new species for the flora of the Ukrainian Left-Bank Forest-Steppe // Advances in Botany and Ecology. Proceedings of International Conference of Young Scientists (Shcholkine, June 18–22th 2013 р.). – Кyiv, 2013. – P. 79–80. [in Ukrainian with English title]
- Davydov D.A. Forest vegetation of the Romny-Poltava geobotanical district (Ukraine): syntaxonomy, antropogenic changings and protection: PhD thesis: 03.00.05 «Botany». – Кyiv, 2013. – 18 p. [in Ukrainian]
- Gomlya L.M., Davydov D.A. Herbaryi Poltavskogo natsionalnogo pedagogichnogo universitetu imeni V.G. Korolenka [Herbarium of V.G. Korolenko Poltava national pedagogical university] // Herbaria of Ukraine. Index Herbariorum Ucrainicum / Ed. by N.M. Shiyan. – Кyiv, 2011. – P. 234–236. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A. Vidy semeistva Orchidaceae Juss. vo flore lesov Romensko-Poltavskogo geobotanicheskogo okruga Ukrainy i ikh okhrana [Orchidaceae Juss. species in forest flora of the Romny-Poltava geobotanical district of Ukraine and its conservation] // Conservation and Cultivation of Orchids. Proceedings of IXth International Scientific Conference (Saint Petersburg, September 26–30th 2011). – Мoscow, 2011. – P. 143–145. [in Russian]
- Davydov D.A. Novi vydy dlia flory lisiv Romensko-Poltavskogo geobotanichnogo okrugu [New species in forest flora of Romny-Poltava geobotanical district] // Ukrainian Botanical Journal. – 2011. – Vol. 68, № 2. – P. 195–204. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A. Classification of the vegetation of floodplain forests (all. Alnion incanae Pawłowski et al. 1928) in the Romny-Poltava geobotanical district // Botany and Mycology: Problems and Perspectives in 2011–2020. Proceedings of Ukrainian Scientific Conference (Kyiv, April 6–8th 2011). – Кyiv, 2011. – P. 122–123.
- Davydov D.A., Gomlya L.M., Pavlenko V.S., Agarkova Ye.Yu. Herbaryi Dalnego Vostoka v Poltavskom pedagogicheskom universitete (Ukraina) [Herbarium of the Far East in Poltava pedagogical university (Ukraine)] // Bulletin of Botanical Garden-Institute of Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Science. – Vladivostok, 2010. – Iss. 6. – P. 57–72. [in Russian]
- Davydov D.A. Znakhidky Сarex brevicollis DC. u lisakh Rozsoshenskogo lisnytstva poblyzu Poltavy [Finds of Carex brevicollis DC. in the Rozsoshenske forestry near Poltava town] // Biodiversity: Theory, Practice and Methodical Aspects of Studying in Comprehensive and High Schools. Proceedings of International Scientific-Practical Conference. – Poltava, 2010. – P. 74–75. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A. Flora ta roslynnist Bulanivskogo lisu (Poltavskyi raion Poltavskoyi oblasti) [Flora and vegetation of Bulanivskyi forest (Poltava district of Poltava region)] // Biodiversity: Theory, Practice and Methodical Aspects of Studying in Comprehensive and High Schools. Proceedings of International Scientific-Practical Conference. – Poltava, 2010. – P. 75–77. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A. Vesniani ephemeroidy dibrov dolyny richky Kolomak ta pryleglykh plakornykh terytoryi [Oak forest spring ephemeroids of Kolomak river valley and adjoined plakor territories] // Biodiversity: Theory, Practice and Methodical Aspects of Studying in Comprehensive and High Schools. Proceedings of International Scientific-Practical Conference. – Poltava, 2010. – P. 77–78. [in Ukrainian]
- Pavlenko V.S., Davydov D.A., Gomlya L.M. Fitoriznomanittia vilkhovykh lisiv Poltavskogo raionu Poltavshchyny [Plant diversity of alder forests of Poltava district of Poltava region] // Biodiversity: Theory, Practice and Methodical Aspects of Studying in Comprehensive and High Schools. Proceedings of International Scientific-Practical Conference. – Poltava, 2010. – P. 115–116. [in Ukrainian]
- Pavlenko V.S., Davydov D.A., Gomlya L.M. Ekologo-tsenotychni osoblyvosti sosnovykh lisiv Poltavskogo raionu Poltavshchyny [Ecological-coenotic features of pine forests of Poltava district of Poltava region] // Biodiversity: Theory, Practice and Methodical Aspects of Studying in Comprehensive and High Schools. Proceedings of International Scientific-Practical Conference. – Poltava, 2010. – P. 116–117. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A. Lisova roslynnist dolyny richky Kolomak ta pryleglykh plakornykh terytoryi [Forest vegetation of Kolomak river valley and adjoined plakor territories] // Scientific Bulletin of V.O. Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv National University. Ser. Biology. – 2009. – Vol. 24, № 4 (1). – P. 73–77. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A. Istoriya doslidzhennia lisovoyi roslynnosti Romensko-Poltavskogo geobotanichnogo okrugu [Forest vegetation of Romny-Poltava geobotanical district: history of research] // Problems of Renewal and Conservation of Diversity in Ukraine. Proceedings of Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Student Conference. – Poltava, 2009. – P. 97–98. [in Ukrainian]
- Gomlya L.M., Davydov D.A. Vascular flora of Poltava district. – Poltava, 2008. – 212 p. [in Ukrainian]
- Gomlya L.M., Davydov D.A. Dopovnennia do “Konspektu flory Livoberezhnogo Prydniprovia” z Poltavskogo raionu Poltavskoyi oblasti [Addition to “Conspectus of flora of the Left-bank of Dnipro river” from Poltava district of Poltava region] // Scientific Journal of M.P. Dragomanov National Pedagogical University. Ser. Biology. – 2008. – № 2. – P. 3–11. [in Ukrainian]
- Gomlya L.M., Davydov D.A. Herbaryi Poltavskogo derzhavnogo pedagogichnogo universitetu: suchasnyi stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku [Herbarium of Poltava state pedagogical university: current state and perspectives] // Method of Natural History Disciplines Teaching in High School: XV Readings in the Honor of A.P. Karyshyn. Proceedings of International Scientific-Practical Conference. – Poltava, 2008. – P. 175–176. [in Ukrainian]
- Gomlya L.M., Davydov D.A. Ridkisni vydy roslyn okolytz mista Poltava (Ukraina) zaneseni do Chervonoyi knygy Ukrainy [Rare plant species of the vicinity of Poltava town (Ukraine) listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine] // Actual Problems of Botany and Ecology: collected scientific articles. – Vol. 2. – Кyiv, 2008. – P. 100–101. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A., Gomlya L.M. Vydy Bernskoyi konventsii ta yikh rozpovsiudzhennia u flori Poltavskoyi oblasti [Plant species from Berne Convention and their distribution in the flora of Poltava region] // Biodiversity: Theory, Practice and Methodical Aspects of Studying in Comprehensive and High Schools. Proceedings of International Scientific-Practical Conference. – Poltava, 2008. – P. 144–145. [in Ukrainian]
- Gomlya L.M., Davydov D.A. Ridkisni nemoralni vydy roslyn Poltavskogo raionu Poltavskoyi oblasti ta problemy yikh okhorony [Rare nemoral plant species of Poltava district of Poltava region and problems of their conservation] // Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Ser. Introduction and Plant Diversity Conservation. – 2007. – № 15–17. – P. 43–44. [in Ukrainian]
- Gomlya L.M., Davydov D.A. Maloposhyreni vydy burjaniv okolytz mista Poltavy [Limited distributed weed species of the vicinity of Poltava town] // Plants and Urbanization. Proceedings of Ist Scientific-Practical Conference (Dnipropetrovsk, November 21–23th 2007). – Dnipropetrovsk, 2007. – P. 69–71. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A., Gomlya L.M. Poshyrennia vydiv rodu Vinca L. u Poltavskomu raioni Poltavskoyi oblasti [Distribution of species from the genus Vinca L. in Poltava district of Poltava region] // Actual Problems of Botany and Ecology. Proceedings of International Conference of Young Scientists (Kyiv, September 17–20th 2007). – Кyiv, 2007. – P. 88. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A., Gomlya L.M. Flora lisovogo komplexu v okolytsiakh sela Kopyly Poltavskogo raionu Poltavskoyi oblasti [Flora of the forest area in the vicinity of Kopyly village of Poltava district of Poltava region] // Problems of Renewal and Conservation of Diversity in Ukraine. Proceedings of Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Student Conference. – Poltava, 2007. – P. 103–104. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A. Osoblyvosti poshyrennia vydiv rodu Scilla L. v okolytsiakh mista Poltava [Distribution features of species from the genus Scilla L. in the vicinity of Poltava town] // Current Problems of Natural History. Proceedings of IInd Ukrainian Scientific Student Conference (Nizhyn, April 25–26th 2007). – Nizhyn, 2007. – P. 4. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A., Gomlya L.M. Astrodaucus orientalis (L.) Drude – novyi adventyvnyi vyd dlia flory Livoberezhnoyi Ukrainy [Astrodaucus orientalis (L.) Drude – new adventive species for the flora of Left-Bank of Dnipro area] // Ecology: Science, Natural Conservation Activity. Proceedings of International Scientific-Practical Conference. – Кyiv, 2007. – P. 21–22. [in Ukrainian]
- Gomlya L.M., Davydov D.A. Osoblyvosti provedennia poliovykh praktyk z botaniky v okolytsiakh mista Poltavy [Field botanical practical works organization features in the vicinity of Poltava town] // Scientific Creation Development of Prospective Natural History Teachers. XIV Readings in the Honor of A.P. Karyshyn. Proceedings of International Scientific-Practical Conference. – Poltava, 2007. – P. 175–176. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A., Gomlya L.M. Rarytetna fraktsia flory okolytz mista Poltavy ta yiyi systematychnyi analiz [Rare fraction of the flora of the vicinity of Poltava town and its systematic analysis] // Actual Problems of Botany, Ecology and Biotechnology. Proceedings of International Conference of Young Scientists (Kyiv, September 27–30th 2006). – Кyiv, 2006. – P. 48–49. [in Ukrainian]
- Gomlya L.M., Davydov D.A. Herbaryi Poltavskogo derzhavnogo pedagogichnogo universitetu: struktura ta perspektyvy rozvytku [Herbarium of Poltava state pedagogical university: structure and perspectives] // Property Problems of Natural History Pedagogical Education. XIII Readings in the Honor of A.P. Karyshyn. Proceedings of International Scientific-Practical Conference. – Poltava, 2006. – P. 175–176. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A., Gomlya L.M. Zakonomirnosti poshyrennia ridkisnykh vydiv roslyn v okolytsiakh Poltavy ta problemy yikh okhorony [Distribution regularities of rare plant species in the vicinity of Poltava town and problems of their conservation] // Bioethics: Current State and Perspectives: Proceedings of Ukrainian Student Scientific-Practical Conference. – Poltava, 2006. – P. 216–218. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A., Gomlya L.M. Symphytum tauricum Willd. na Poltavshchyni [Symphytum tauricum Willd. in Poltava region] // Regional Problems of Nature Management and Plant and Animal Kingdoms Protection: Proceedings of IInd International Scientific-Practical Conference. – Kryvyi Rih, 2006. – P. 88. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A., Gomlya L.M. Poshyrennia Lathyrus venetus (Mill.) Wohlf na terytorii Poltavskoyi oblasti [Distribution of Lathyrus venetus (Mill.) Wohlf in Poltava region] // Actual Problems of Plant Diversity Research and Conservation: Proceedings of International Conference of Young Scientists (Uman, National Dendrological Park “Sofyivka”, September 6–9th 2015). – Кyiv, 2005. – P. 47–48. [in Ukrainian]
- Davydov D.A., Gomlya L.M., Garkovych O.L., Kovalenko N.P. Florystychni osoblyvosti botanichnogo zakaznyka Rozhaivskyi [Floristic features of Rozhaivskyi botanical reserve] // Biodiversity: Current State, Problems and Perspectives: Proceedings of Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference. – Poltava, 2004. – P. 125–127. [in Ukrainian]
