Valentina Vasyuk
Graduated from the Kyiv T.G. Shevchenko State University in the specialty of microbiology and immunology. Candidate of Biological Sciences, senior researcher. The thesis titled Peculiarities of the phytohormonal status of wheat and phytopathogenic fungi of genus Septoria Sacc. was defended at a session of the specialized scientific board of the Kyiv T.G. Shevchenko State University in the specialty 03.00.12 – Plant Physiology, diploma КН № 012217. Since 2006 senior researcher, specialty Plant Physiology, diploma № 005277. The author of 138 scientific publications. The research activities deal with studies on peculiarities of hormonal system of plants of different regular groups and fungi, study of a role of phytohormones in processes of growth and development of plants, study of participation of phytohormones in adaptation of plants to different conditions of existence. She masters the methods of isolation and determination of phytohormones, She is a member of the Ukrainian Plant Physiologists Society and Ukrainian Botanical Society.
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